Nothing Hidden. At all.
Prices depend on a number of factors, all of which will be told you the moment you contact us. There are absolutely no hidden costs, so call today to request an immediate estimate.
A Revaya Production is usually calculated on a per hour of work basis, usually $50 per hour of work done. We've done 2 hour jobs for $100 and bigger ones for $2,000. All estimates will be explained how charging will work for a given project and where variances in rates may be.
Revaya Productions basically offers 2 services:
(1) Production (Filming)
(2) Post production (Editing)
1. Production.
BASIC PACKAGE: For those on a budget. We start at $50/hr for filming (with a 30 minute preparation and takedown buffer). This usually includes one basic high definition camera capturing the action.
(For examples see Sample 19 and 20 on the main page.)
THE GOOD CAMERA PACKAGE: This service has a higher quality of footage, includes 2 or 3 cameras, and costs $90 per hour.
(For an example see sample 23 on the main page.)
You can keep prices down by doing as much as you can yourself! Many people film their own footage, instead of shelling out the dollars to us, and hand over footage for editing.
2. Post Production:
You can save here, too! Scan your own photos, cropping them where needed, convert your own video footage to DVD, WMV or AVI format, and have any music you wish to include ready on CD or MP3 (preferred) format. Write the entire shot-by-shot script yourself! These will result in a faster job and savings passed to you, however we can definitely do all of these things and more if you wish.
Revaya Productions is not just about putting together a video project, we are about keeping our customers satisfied. You will be kept informed at all times to ensure that your presentation is done the way that you want it.
We are always looking to give you more than what you expect in terms of quality, but when it comes to our prices there are no hidden fees or surprises.