How To Get Started

Know Your Message

Some questions you should ask yourself before embarking on the production journey...

  1. What event or person(s) are you spotlighting?
  2. Looking for a slideshow, a custom-built package, an epic production?
  3. What will suit your goal and budget?
  4. What emotion are you trying to evoke? What kind of message are you looking to send?
  5. Is there a certain theme you would like your presentation to be told in (sports, advertisement, tribute, biographical. etc. See Creative Tips section for other theme ideas)?
  6. In addition to photos and videos and music, what other sound or visuals would you like to include (See Creative Tips for suggestions)?

Choosing and Sending Photographs

 - Try to select photos where a subject is close and centered, using uncut, physically intact photos.

 - Keep in mind, the more “interesting” the picture, the more interested your audience will be. Unusual shots of a person, subject, or theme will leave a bigger impression and will make for a more unique final product.

 If scanning by yourself…

  • Ensure the scanning equipment and photos are free of lint, fingerprints and smudges.
  • Make sure each picture is scanned and its resulting file came out adequately.
  • Crop if necessary
  • Save files using JPG or PNG format.
  • Number each file as their titles.
  • Separate your photos into folders or categories if you would like them to be presented in a certain fashion.

If we will scan for you…

  • Want your photos presented in a certain order? Use a sticky note on the back to number each photo in the order you wish them to appear. (write in pencil)
  • Place your photos in an envelope or Zip-Lock bag, labeled by sections/songs/themes.
  • All photos will be returned with the shipment of final product.

Using video clips:

  • To lower cost, you may convert video footage onto disc in DVD, MPEG, AVI or WMV forrnat.
  • You may title each clip with the number of the photo in which you want it to appear after, on, or with.
  • Double check to make sure the disc was recorded correctly.


  • Find songs that convey your theme most appropriately, something the subject is fond of or something that keeps the mood intact.
  • You may also request a certain style of song (Yeshivish, Broadway) and we can suggest some for you.
  • If necessary, write where you would like each song to be placed.
  • We may edit your songs to fit with the presentations. If there is a certain way you wish for it to be played, please let us know.


The estimated time for completion of any project is usually two weeks from the time that all materials are submitted, unless otherwise discussed. Rush orders are possible, too. Check for availability.

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